What Our Clients Say About Us

See how Efani users sleep better at night with our secured mobile service.

Consider @efani, this is the very sort of thing they protect against

Anton Wababurala

Looking forward to listening to @hasseb talk about #simswap and its relationship with #cryptocurrency. We stand with @efani in providing enhanced security for our mobile phones.


Check out @efani The founder Crypto and telecommunications veteran @haseeb is there for you 24/7 without exaggeration. His cell service provides multi layer sim swap protection and a $5 million insurance policy with Lloyds


Sorry to hear about your situation. @efani is the only secure cell phone company out there. Call @haseeb and get a secure phone that won't put you at risk.


Mistake. I meant @Ledger Thumbs down Can totally kiss my ass for the poor show of not keeping our data safe when that’s their business model - security. Anywho - changed throw away phone, upgraded new phone to @efani with @haseeb and deleted email accounts

John Wick

I got @efani SIM card in the mail yesterday! Can’t wait to try it today @haseeb

Cindi Bi

Initial Security Round 1: 1. Guaranteed Protection Against SIM Hacking with @efani 2. Get secure and private access to the internet with @NordVPN 3. Get 2-factor authentication with Google Authenticator 4. Use a trusted email service with @ProtonMail


DO NOT GET SCAMMED Scammers r sending fake links to #Celsians. This is what happens when a #community grows exponentially fast like @CelsiusNetwork Many will target Celsius to see if they can get you to click on fake links Protect yourself - @efani (Prevents Sim Swaps)

Jimmy Z

Just switched to @efani secure cell phone service. Don't take the risk of getting Sim swapped. Protect yourself now!


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