Android 12L Security Review

Haseeb Awan
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July 19, 2024


Remember the exciting Android update in early 2022 called Android 12L? It wasn't just for bigger phones and tablets! Android 12L brought some security improvements explicitly designed for these larger devices. Imagine your phone or tablet as a spacious movie theatre with entertainment apps and tools. Security features in Android 12L include watchful ushers, clear concession stand signs, and an improved theatre layout, making it a more secure and enjoyable experience for everyone.

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Android 12L's Security Enhancements (New Features):

  • Improved Multitasking Security: Keeping Your Popcorn and Movie Separate (Enhanced App Sandboxing): While app sandboxing was already a feature in previous versions, Android 12L further enhanced it for larger screens. Imagine having separate, secure compartments for your popcorn and drink (apps) at the movie theatre (phone/tablet). This improved sandboxing ensures that one app (popcorn) can't peek into another app (drink) and access your information.
  • Taskbar Transparency: Knowing What's Running in the Background (Clear App Visibility): The new taskbar on larger screens in Android 12L shows you which apps are currently running. Think of it like a clear display board in the movie theatre lobby (taskbar) that shows which movies (apps) are currently playing (running). It lets you easily see what apps are accessing your phone or tablet and take action if needed.

Familiar Features Still Around:

Many of the essential security features from previous versions were still present in Android 12L:

  • Strong App Sandboxing (as discussed above): Apps continued to be isolated from each other, preventing a mischievous app from accessing information stored in other apps on your device.
  • Encryption by Default: Your Movie Tickets Stay Encrypted (Automatic Data Protection): Your data is automatically encrypted on most Android 12L devices, making it scrambled and unreadable without the correct key. Consider the movie theatre's built-in security system that scrambles your movie tickets (data) for safekeeping, even if someone sneaks in.
  • Security Updates Remain Crucial (Patching Up Weak Spots): Regular software updates with security patches continue to be vital for addressing vulnerabilities discovered by security researchers. These updates are like patching any holes in the movie theatre walls (fixing security vulnerabilities) to keep unwanted visitors out.

Understanding the Context: A Mobile World in 2022

To appreciate the improvements in Android 12L, let's consider the mobile landscape of 2022:

  • Rise of Large Screens: Optimizing security for these larger devices became crucial with the increasing popularity of tablets and foldable phones. Android 12L addressed this need.
  • Focus on Multitasking: Android 12L is designed for users who enjoy running multiple apps simultaneously on their larger screens. Enhanced security features ensure a safe experience when multitasking.

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Lessons Learned from the Big Screen

Android 12L wasn't a complete overhaul, but it offered valuable lessons for the future:

  • Security Needs Adapt: As technology evolves, so too do security threats. Android's journey highlights the ongoing effort to adapt security features to new devices and usage patterns.
  • Context Matters: Understanding how people use their devices helps developers create more secure and user-friendly experiences.
  • Security and Usability Can Coexist: Android 12L demonstrates that security features can be implemented without hindering the enjoyment of using a large-screen device.


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A Glimpse into the Future: What Came After Android 12L?

Android security continues to improve with each iteration. Here are some critical advancements in later versions:

  • Android 13 (Focus on Restricting Background App Activity)

The Takeaway: A More Secure and Enjoyable Big-Screen Experience

Android 12L made significant strides in mobile security for larger devices. It introduced improved multitasking security for enhanced app isolation and a taskbar for clear app visibility. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Security is a Multi-Layered Approach: Android 12L combined features like improved app sandboxing and taskbar transparency to create a robust security system for large screens. Imagine the movie theatre (phone/tablet) having secure compartments for snacks (app sandboxing) and a clear display board showing what movies are playing (taskbar). Watchful ushers (other security features) working together to keep your experience safe and enjoyable.
  • Security and Usability Balance: Android 12L demonstrates that security features don't have to compromise device functionality.

Empowering Yourself: Tips for Modern Mobile Security

Even though Android security has come a long way, it's still important to safeguard your spacious movie theatre (phone/tablet). Here are some simple tips to keep your device secure:

  • Download Wisely: Be cautious about where you get your apps! Only download apps from verified sources like the Google Play Store. Avoid installing apps from unknown websites or third-party stores. Think of it as only allowing authorized vendors (trusted app stores) to sell concessions (apps) at the movie theatre (phone/tablet).
  • Be a Permission Patrol Chief: With the improved app sandboxing and clearer app visibility on the taskbar, you're in control! Review the permissions each app requests when installing it. Only by granting access to features does the app genuinely need to function correctly. Imagine yourself as a vigilant usher (you) carefully checking each vendor's (app's) request for access to different areas (permissions) of the theatre (phone/tablet) and only permitting what's necessary for their concession stand (app function).
  • Use a Screen Lock: Set up a strong PIN, password, or fingerprint unlock to prevent unauthorized access to your device. It is like having a secure ticket booth (screen lock) at the movie theatre that only authorized users (people with the correct code) can enter.
  • Enable Find My Device: Activate your Android phone or tablet's "Find My Device" feature. If your device is lost or stolen, you can use this capability to find it remotely. Imagine having a hidden GPS tracker in your movie theatre projector (phone/tablet) that helps you find it if it goes missing!
  • Consider Security Software: Consider installing reputable mobile security software for additional protection. It can offer malware scanning, anti-theft protection, and secure browsing. Imagine hiring a security team that patrols the theatre (phone/tablet) for suspicious activity, identifies potential threats (hackers), and even helps you recover stolen popcorn and drinks (data) if something goes wrong!

Haseeb Awan
CEO, Efani Secure Mobile

I founded Efani after being Sim Swapped 4 times. I am an experienced CEO with a demonstrated history of working in the crypto and cybersecurity industry. I provide Secure Mobile Service for influential people to protect them against SIM Swaps, eavesdropping, location tracking, and other mobile security threats. I've been covered in New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Mashable, Hulu, Nasdaq, Netflix, Techcrunch, Coindesk, etc. Contact me at 855-55-EFANI or for a confidential assessment to see if we're the right fit!

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